Enter through the black flag, a colour of rebirth. A slash-pile barricade at the southern entrance of Dannenröder forest in times of peace. Made from organic industrial waste during falling financial economic prices for timber, and people’s represented boundary for self-determination. Credit https://jungle.world/artikel/2021/39/ein-klima-fuer-radikalitaetDo you know that experience of arriving somewhere at night, and then getting up in the morning to see it in the light? This was matched with having a comrade on the side of my bunk, as delighted to see me as I them. The above banner translates as “ Hanau is not a single case, racism kills!”, referring to the 2020 shooting of 11 people of migrant background, by right wing extremism in the region of Hessen. Credit https://www.zeit.de/campus/2020-09/dannenroeder-forst-umweltschutz-klimaaktivismus-rodung-autobahnausbau/seite-2
Fire salamanders are precious signs of a healthy ecosystem, as their water permeable skin does not so easily tolerate pollutants. What’s more is that their skin is so delicate, that for them road-kill does not just mean being run over by a vehicle, the sheer vibration of one passing by is enough for their inner organs to rupture. Since the eviction and implementation of the A49 construction, several truckloads of material go in and out of the forests every hour, and I know I am one of many who feel a deep sorrow about this invasion, and a rage towards those that continue down the path of every ecological destruction. Source: a comradeIn the spring of 2020, the construction of the queer feminist or flinta* barrio (safer space from unconscious cis males), caused a palpable rift within the occupation. I put my lot in with those most affected by patriarchy, who still need safer, more comfortable spaces to go beyond surviving and thus thrive in a world created by men for men. I do understand a pushing of cis males out of welcome can be a darker side of feminism, and can limit our unified progression. When our boundaries are finally attuned to, and acted upon by others, in demonstration of an understanding for our oppression, then will we feel forward movement. Slowly I see this happening. This banner at the entrance of barrio Zukunkt, was attributed to the ALF, who in their high-time of the 90s, were at the forefront of struggling with and for beings beyond our species. Source: a esteemed comradeIt can be so easy to get caught up in thinking and being ‘anti – [fill-in-the-blank]’ in this fucked up world. Going on a forest walk and remembering what we’re passionately for, is one of my favourite antidotes. And mushrooms that taste delicious and decompose old worlds! Source: awesome comradesWhen I stepped foot back in the forest in the late summer after a long break, I immediately knew that the barrio, or neighbourhood above who I had heard about named Nirgendwo, was where I was headed. Meeting again folks whom I trust, and their structure of a beautiful central kitchen and sleeping platform (centre left), which quickly expanded into a network of treehouses and defence mechanisms, I learned there so much. Photo credit: ps://anfdeutsch.com/Oekologie/offene-ausstellung-menschen-im-widerstand-am-dannenroder-wald-28492It was during one of the many days during the eviction of Danni, and plenty of cops were around. I decided to go on a mission through the forest and word of mouth told that ‘something’ was about to happen. On my way back, taking the road down to barrio Nirgendwo, I turned to see what was that noise behind me. I gasped to see a river of black, a mass that had arrived to the camp from various cities, and their march was obviously signalling a showdown. I picked up my pace, got back to base and told everyone to get themselves and important stuff off the ground, now. A new energy whirled through the place, as we watched from above the fireworks, flares and menace clashing with the police, those that don’t protect us, we know our crew protects us. Photo credit: http://keinruhigeshinterland.org/2020/12/08/eine-autonome-einschaetzung-zur-fortfuehrung-des-kampfs-im-dannenroeder-wald/Sitting in a cell and hearing the chants and whistles of a demo erupting on the other side of the complex was a vibration so physically, emotionally and mentally shifting. I received a photo of this banner which on another occasion had made it’s way to a weapons factory blockade, linking the struggles to that against Turkish fascist bombardment of Rojava. Photo credit: https://jungle.world/artikel/2021/39/ein-klima-fuer-radikalitaet Below is also a video from comrades that reminds me of the prison visit we were graced with on 13.12.2021 https://freethemall.blackblogs.org/category/soliaktionen/Poster for the documentary film screening about the Ella case ‘and the state power that wants to intimidate and disguise’, which includes footage of a theatrical re-enacting of the arrest, staged in front of the local ministry of economics. The date the film was released and screened in over a hundred locations, a year later commemor-action from when the first trees were first felled at Danni’s neighbouring Herrenwald forest. Watch here https://youtu.be/XzO9vIUHCHM?feature=shared Read English translation of film
When the director approached my place in the courtroom during a break in the first instance, and asked for an on camera interview I thought he must be joking. Then I received a letter saying that he wanted to illustrate how the local struggle goes on after the fall of Danni, about the groundwater issues and my incarceration. I softened to the idea of letting a perspective of events concerning my vulnerability, be broadcast for the sake of a deepening awareness. So if seeing a boot fly in the face of a cop intrigues you, check this trailer. If how such an act of self defence can escalate into a courtroom battle, intermittently attended from a lonely jail cell terrifies you, check your affinity group.
Having to digest a sentence of 2 years and 3 months, days spent in high security isolation and then arriving at a visit from a new lawyer, depleted and doubtful, I was greeted with the news that one of the most legendary living revolutionary groups had sent their solidarity in a video message. The Zapatistas reclaiming their land and freedom, defying the Mexican government and globalization since 1994 with armed forces, reaching out to me? My spine felt instantly straighter, mind sharpened. My gratitude for those that show their love and support in these acts that serve our connection expand beyond description. Source: https://www.ya-basta-netz.org/zapatistische-solidaritaet-mit-ella-freeella/It was also an empowering honour to know that comrades in Athens were thinking about me, and telling this story from the tree tops of Strefi Hill. Both of us in defence of wild and free spaces, Strefi struggles against gentrification and touristification of their anarchist neighborhood, Exarchia. Works on the hill have since December 2023 been cancelled! https://unicornriot.ninja/2024/altering-exarcheia-from-the-square-to-strefi-hill-a-timeline-and-film/ Photo credit: comradesOr when anyone is kept imprisoned, society is failing? I agree that it is appropriate to restrain truly “dangerous” people, although I further that it is even more appropriate to compassionately get these people the help they need, without so much suffering. Perhaps society’s success lies in its ability to give help asked for, and its knowing that in doing so it is helping itself. Photo credit: https://klimakollektivol.de/free-ella-informationen-zum-prozessauftakt/”We are the weeds that keep coming back” living tripod barricade on one of Danni’s forest roads. A reminder to civilisation that it would be better off when it integrates the wild best interests of those it sees as other to itself. A premonition for the multitude of forest occupations that sprouted like scattered seeds after the Danni eviction.”Freedom & Life, give solidarity into the prisons” play on a poem written by anonymous imprisoned comrade ‘Carl’, who was charged with blocking operations at a coal mine. Photo taken at the former Fechenheimer forest, Frankfurt, occupied from 2021 – 2023 against tunnel infrastructure joining highways A66 & A661. Photo credit: comradesImprisonment is for Burning gets tabled by comrades at the Vienna Anarchist Bookfair, proceeds going towards migrant solidarity funds. Communities are at liberty & responsibility to print and distribute IIFB, sharing proceeds for purposes of supporting projects for a new earth and society based on care and fairness. Photo credit: comrades