Get the bOok

Imprisonment is for Burning, A Story of the Defence of a Forest & The Case for Dis-identification is offered as part of the gift economy, what our ancestors would have embodied, as does the anarchist & autonomous movements still. Readers are at their own free will to reciprocate for this offering as they wish ♥ taking into account one’s own financial means, anticipation or reflection of value, what represents a gesture of commitment to the concept of ‘burning imprisonment’, and one’s own desire to support Ella and their affinities ‘self’-determined work.

Any conscious exchange that supports the best interests of our planet, and abolition of imprisonment is highly appreciated. Ella sends infinite thanks to all those embracing Imprisonment is for Burning. It is hoped that it smelts the bars of every cage encountered, cuts the chains of inner constrictions, and opens up lush pathways for ever further emancipation.

Read on-line: Imprisonment is for Burning (en.)

Print: Imprisonment is for Burning
(Format will be corrected, but content is there!)
A request is that readers be resource conscious, regarding paper, energy extraction, keeping care of copies in circulation and mindfulness of emotional wellbeing whilst uncovering society’s shadows contained within. (CW. Police, sexual violence, ecocide)

Translation into German published by Graswurzelrevolution Verlag e.V

Buy from the publisher:

Or direct from me, the author, contact burnimprisonment(a)

Translation into Italian

That which follows is just a symbolic financial scale of possibilities. Funds go towards printing costs, visiting & supporting communities and their lands, much of which are under threat by the current exploitative global financial system, and investing in community projects aligned with the principals of autonomy, responsibility, permaculture ethics & intent for healing ourselves amidst the chaos & order of our natural world.

0 – A gift for those it serves, remembering our own gifts and sharing them with the world.

5 – In line with the 5 elements, giving gratitude to the earth, water, fire, air and space in service of our creations & destruction.

22 – Kind expressions for relationships weaving on this continuous journey.

101 – New beginnings, embracing potential for freedom and leading into it with generosity.

700 and above, amaze with channels of abundance, for those whose hearts are set on leaving the earth better than we found it.

Bank transactions

Name: Wilde Malve e.V (association founded for common well-being in the post-Danni context)
IBAN: DE77 4306 0967 1302 8010 00
Note: Until all are free!



Further Reading

Some of Ella’s open letters made from prison, speeches from court and interviews with the press, via the Danni regional prisoner support blog.

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