Get the bOok

Imprisonment is for Burning is offered as part of the gift economy, what our ancestors would have embodied, as does still the autonomous movement. Readers are free to value and reciprocate whatever feels good, that which follows is a symbolic financial indication of possibilities. Funds go towards printing costs, visiting & supporting communities and their lands under threat, and investing in projects aligned with the principals of freedom and responsibility.
Any conscious exchange supports the being and relations that are Ella. Thank you for embracing paths towards total liberation!

Read online: Imprisonment is for Burning

Print: Imprisonment is for Burning Please seek out forest friendly paper <3

Translation into German coming soon!

€0 – Enjoy this gift! Remember your own gifts and share them with the world.

€5 – In line with the elements, gratitude for their being and in service of creations such as this.

€22 – Kind expressions for relationships being weaved on a continuous journey.

€101 – New beginnings, embracing potential and leading with generosity.

€700 and above – Amaze with a channel of abundance, hearts set on leaving the earth better than we found it.

Bank transactions

Name: Wilde Malve e. V
IBAN: DE77 4306 0967 1302 8010 00
Note: Until all are free!



Further Reading

Some of Ella’s open letters made from prison, speeches from court and interviews with the press, via Danni regional prisoner support blog.

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